Optimizing the Link and Match Concept, UPNVJ Collaborates with PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Cirendeu Business Area


HumasUPNVJ - As we know, there is an increase in unemployment for graduates of higher education almost every year. This is because university graduates are not yet supported by the ability or competence to enter the job market.

Therefore, as a concrete step UPN Veteran Jakarta signed a memorandum of understanding with PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Cirendeu Business Area which was conducted online on Friday (25/09/20).

We need to know, in essence the concept of link and match is used as a medium to increase the relevance of higher education to the needs of the workforce. Universities need to carry out synergistic cooperation with the world of professional work so that the relevance of higher education can be increased from time to time.

In this case, the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta, Erna Hernawati, said that through functional link and match collaboration with the world of professional work, conceptually higher education institutions will have ample opportunity to produce graduates to become prospective workers who have high professionalism.

"Higher education really needs collaboration with industry and as a target the Minister of Education and Culture is committed to maximizing PTN's link and match with industry as an effort to reduce unemployment," explained Erna.


The Chancellor also expressed his hopes and follow-ups that could be carried out in this collaboration "Hopefully our focus will be in collaboration with PT. This pawn shop can help us in providing opportunities for our students to collaborate with PT. Pawnshop. Not only that, we also need practitioners for our students who may later from PT. Pegadaian can help explain and practice how business processes at PT. Pawn shops” he hoped.

In line with the Chancellor of UPN Veteran Jakarta, Sucahya Prabawa Laksana vice president of PT Pegadaian Area Bisnis Cirendeu expressed his pride for UPN Veteran Jakarta, even though in the midst of the current pandemic he is still trying to actively establish definite collaborations to improve the quality of UPN Veteran Jakarta graduates.

Sucahya also expressed his gratitude for the good response for the implementation of the collaboration that was carried out "thank you for the good response in carrying out this signing. In this case, PT. Pegadaian (Persero) is committed to providing support, working together and supporting all activities at UPNVJ," explained Sucahya.

In this signing, several points were agreed upon, including the fields of education, research and development, community service, public lectures and campus hiring, provision, exchange of data and information, as well as marketing publications and product sales, first-party services to the entire academic community. second parties and affiliates and other mutually agreed cooperation.

With the establishment of this agreement, it is hoped that students will gain further and actual new experiences about the real world of work.

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