PNS Lecturer Development Meeting in the UPNVJ environment with Health Protocols


HumasUPNVJ - In order to improve the performance of PNS lecturers within the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment, today, Thursday, December 17, a New PNS Lecturer Training is held at UPNVJ environment. This activity presented Mr. Bachtiar Abdul Fatah as a guest speaker which was attended by approximately 57 participants but still adhered to the Covid-19 health protocol.

The activity was opened by the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Prasetyo Hadi who represented the Chancellor, "This activity is of course very useful, we need lecturers who are able to give their best performance for the university". he said

Furthermore, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs gave a brief explanation regarding "Empowering Lecturer Work Ethics and Superior Performance", in his material, Anter Venus explained several things related to good performance as a lecturer including, "Quoting from Lao Tzu, A Journey of a thousand milles begins with a single step. Our response is our action, which means our actions in this world have consequences for our next life. Obviously Venus

"According to Edward Lorenz, a mathematician, explains that an action is like applying the Butterfly theory, that is, every action you take as a lecturer will bring the following consequences." he continued

The activity was then continued with guidance from Bachtiar Abdul Fatah and a joint discussion session.


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