Preventing an Increase in Covid-19 Cases, UPNVJ Holds Rapid and Swab Tests


HumasUPNVJ - After undergoing large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), for a full week all employees as well as leaders in the UPN Veterans Jakarta environment underwent rapid and swab tests at the UPNVJ Rectorate Polyclinic, on Thursday (17/12/20).

"Today we are carrying out rapid and swab tests for all employees after undergoing the PSBB yesterday, later if there is a positive result, the PSBB will be implemented again," said Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, dr. Ria Maria Theresa, while conducting direct monitoring of the location.

"In the future, every person who visits campus is required to take a rapid test first," added dr. Ria.


Technically, the rapid test is carried out for employees who have taken a swab test a few days before and the swab test is carried out in the morning for employees with reactive rapid test results.

Approximately 200 employees take turns conducting rapid and swab tests. This is done to monitor employees for the spread of Covid-19 which is felt to be increasing this week.

The implementation is running in an orderly manner and prioritizing health protocols, and implementing safe distancing and ensuring that all employees carrying out tests wear masks during examinations.


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