Improving Employee Spirituality, UPNVJ's 58th Anniversary Presents Ustadz Wijayanto


HumasUPNVJ - Creating a comfortable work environment to achieve performance targets is the main thing in all fields. The achievement of a comfortable working atmosphere can be started from each individual person, therefore an increase in spiritual knowledge is needed.

For this reason, UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) held a Webinar with Drs. H. Ahmad Wijayanto, MA with the theme Realizing Excellent Service: Increasing Spiritualism and Professionalism of the UPNVJ Large Family, on Thursday (07/01/21).

The webinar, which involved all university leaders, faculties and all UPNVJ education staff, was opened with remarks by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Anther Venus.


"As PTNs we must realize that the existence and continuity of our operations is a state expense in which there are many things that we need to be responsible for, not only that high commitment is also needed both to the institution and stakeholders. In order for us to be able to provide the best service in the future, it would be nice for us to get spiritual input so that we have a foundation in carrying out our work together.

In the webinar which lasted for two hours, Drs. H. Ahmad Wijayanto who is usually called Ustadz Wijayanto emphasizes the main task of education as in his mandate in Surah Annisa by filling three cavities, namely the chest cavity, head cavity and throat cavity.

"So no matter how high education knowledge you want, how handsome or how beautiful you are, if the cavities are not filled, it will be useless," said the ustadz.

Taking time under any circumstances to study useful knowledge will also never be wasted because Heaven is the prize

"Heaven will be for you if you loosen up your time to study, because even in war teaching and learning is still being carried out so the Covid-19 pandemic is not an excuse," said Ustadz Wijayanto.

Prioritizing blessings in life is the main thing, if you choose blessings then prioritize as much as we get, the blessings are not many in number but there are no blessings in them.

Currently all fields are experiencing a crisis because no country is ready for Covid 19, even if they are experts with viruses. With uncertain conditions like now, it's time for us to have a strong foundation that we can create from just staying at home.

"Intend to work solely for worship, this is the key."

In this two-way webinar, participants can directly ask questions and have direct discussions with Ustadz Wijayanto.


One of the questions came from a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Suprima, about how to integrate and internalize spiritualism and professionalism in improving performance?

"That can start from the religious atmosphere that can be created at home, everyone has a principle of influence where everyone can be affected by the surrounding circumstances, everything can be controlled by changing moods, changing the atmosphere of the work environment, the foundation is still the pillar of religion," said Ustadz Wijayanto.

With this webinar, it is hoped that knowledge about religion will increase within the UPNVJ environment in order to achieve the desired target together.


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