Let's Note! These are the 2021 SNMPTN and UTBK-SBMPTN Registration Dates

Launching Kompas.com, the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) has launched the 2021 New Student Admission System (PMB) to enter State Universities (PTN) on Monday (4/1/2021).

There are two selection paths if you want to enter PTN, namely through the National Selection to Enter State Universities (SNMPTN) and UTBK Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN) 2021.

"Registration for SNMPTN starts February 15-24 2021, while UTBK-SBMPTN 2021 will be on March 15-1 April 2021," said Head of the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) Mohamad Nasih, as written Tuesday (5/1/2021).

Nasir admitted that the 2021 SNMPTN or UTBK-SBMPTN selection materials could be downloaded online via the official LTMPT website, namely www.ltmpt.ac.id.

Because, to be able to take part in the selection process, participants must register for an LTMPT account whose registration closes on Monday, 1 February 2021.

Selection process and announcement of SNMPTN 2021

He stated that the announcement of the 2021 SNMPTN would take place on Monday, March 22, 2021. Because SNMPTN is based on student achievement, the School and Student Data Filling (PDSS) will take place from January 11, 2021 - February 8, 2021.

"Charging by each school," said Nasih.

The 2021 UTBK-SBMPTN selection process and announcement

Meanwhile, the registration stage for the LTMPT UTBK-SBMPTN account, continued Nasih, is open February 7-March 12. Before entering the 2021 UTBK-SBMPTN registration which will be held on March 15–April 1.

The UTBK implementation will be carried out in two stages, namely the first stage on 12-18 April 2021, while the second stage will be on 26 April-2 May 2021.

"Announcement of the SBMPTN selection on June 14 2021," said Nasih.

The Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture Nizam said, the implementation of the 2021 SNMPTN and UTBK-SBMPTN was running smoothly even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"If we follow the health protocol properly, we can protect against the transmission of a pandemic. We need to cultivate this good thing in the 2020 UTBK," said Nizam.

Therefore, he will continue to improve the implementation of entering PTN this year. This is because everyone already knows the conditions of the pandemic and can adapt.

"Now the conditions better know what the Covid-19 pandemic situation is like. So everyone can adapt to take part in the 2021 SNMPTN and UTBK-SBMPTN selection," said Nizam.

read: https://www.kompas.com/edu/read/2021/01/05/110528671/jangan-lupa-ini- Date -penregistran-snmptn-dan-utbk-sbmptn-2021 .
Author: Dian Ihsan
Editor : Ayunda Pininta Kasih

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