Welcoming the 58th Anniversary, UPNVJ Holds Flowers at TMP Kalibata


HumasUPNVJ - In preparation for the 58th Anniversary of UPN Veterans Jakarta (UPNVJ) which falls on January 7, the Chancellor and his staff and Student Executive Board (BEM) carried out a flower-laying procession at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery (TMP), South Jakarta, on Wednesday (06/02/21).

Based on the monitoring of the PR team, the flower-laying event which involved university leaders, faculty leaders and student representatives began with greetings of respect and reading of prayers.

In this case UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati said that this activity had a significant meaning to be able to remember the services of heroes and foster a new spirit to continue to contribute to advancing the nation.

"This is a series of the 58th anniversary of the UPNVJ, this activity gives the meaning that all of us continue to remember the services of the heroes, thanks to their services we can enjoy independence and achieve everything until now," said the chancellor.

Not only that, Rama Fathurachman as Head of BEM UPNVJ also said that this activity really inspired students to give their best for the university and the nation.

“This activity is very inspiring for us to see and remember the services of the heroes giving us new enthusiasm. And here we don't just want to remember but to contribute our dedication to students, UPNVJ, and the Indonesian nation," said Rama.

On this occasion, one of the representatives of TMP officers from the Directorate of Heroism, Pioneering, Solidarity, and Social Restoration (K2KRS) KEMENSOS RI, Dedi Prasetyo who is also an alumnus of UPNVJ students expressed his pride because UPNVJ is a campus that routinely sows flowers at TMP every year as an effort remembering the services of heroes.


"Every year UPNVJ always regularly visits TMP and this is a very valuable moment for us, for the country and for UPNVJ itself, but I also hope that the UPNVJ academic community will not only be enough to remember but also get to know more about the services of the heroes because without heroes we cannot enjoy the independence that we currently feel. We are also ready to help so we can synergize with the students," said Dedi.

The sowing of flowers was carried out at several graves of the heroes, one of which was the former Chancellor who was also the founder of UPN Veterans, namely Laksma TNI Purn Pati Headquarters - TNI AL and National Hero Haji Agus Salim.


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