2021 DRPM Abdimas Proposal Evaluation Activity


Universities are obliged to carry out research and community service in addition to carrying out education as mandated by Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System Article 20. In line with these obligations, Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education Article 45 stipulates that research in Higher education is directed at developing science and technology, as well as improving the welfare of society and the nation's competitiveness. The article also emphasizes that community service is an activity of the academic community in practicing and cultivating science and technology to advance public welfare and educate the nation's life.

As with research activities, community service with third parties is an activity funded by parties other than Mandiri and Internal UPN Veterans Jakarta. Funding for community service comes from outside parties at UPN Veteran Jakarta which is obtained through competition. It is hoped that this external Research Grant/Sponsorship will be achieved by lecturers at UPN Veteran Jakarta. The topic of dedication can come from UPN Veteran Jakarta or adjusted to the request/need of the donor. Funds for community service activities originating from external funds usually come from government agencies through relevant ministries (such as: Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Finance, or Ministry of Health), local governments (provincial, district/city), private agencies, and other parties in society who benefit from the implementation of community service activities.

In submitting community service activities, the guidelines and rules from the donor must be followed by the servant as part of the administrative selection of the donor as long as they do not conflict with the values upheld by the Jakarta Veterans National Development University. In addition, LPPM UPN Veteran Jakarta regularly conducts a monitoring and evaluation process by inviting resource persons with special expertise in community service funding (DRPM). This is done so that the professionalism of the servants is maintained, for the good name of UPN Veterans Jakarta. LPPM UPN Veteran Jakarta will carry out the intermediary function in providing sponsorship information and submitting proposals to funders. The main source of funding for community service activities comes from the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (DRPM Ristek-Brin), through various schemes, including

  • Community Partnership Program (PKM);
  • 'Entrepreneurship Development Program (PPK);
  • 'Export Product Development Program (PPPPE);
  • 'Regional Leading Product Development Program (PPPUD)
  • 'Campus Intellectual Product Business Development Program (PPUPIK);
  • 'Regional Partnership Program (PKW)
  • 'Regional Partnership Program between PT-CSR or PT-Pemda-CSR;
  • 'Partner Village Development Program (PPDM);
  • 'Hi-Link program; and Community Learning and Empowerment Real Work Lecture Program (KKN-PPM).

It is hoped that in the future LPPM UPN Veterans Jakarta, with the 2021-2022 Submission Evaluation activities can increase the potential and development of lecturers in submitting community service proposals through external funding, proposal evaluation activities that present resource persons with community service expertise Prof.Dr.Okid Parama Astirin,.MS (Chairman of the Research and Service Institute of LPPM Sebelas Maret University and he is the National Reviewer of the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Ministry of Technology Research and Higher Education.) The second resource person was Mr. Robbi Prayudha , (Head of Community Empowerment, Directorate of Research and Service Society Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.) the activity lasted ± 4 hours of material delivery and discussion attended by 85 lecturers from various faculties within the scope of UPN Veterans Jakarta. The activity took place according to a predetermined schedule, remarks from the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs Mr. Dr. Anter Venus , then the event was opened by the chairman of LPPM UPN Veteran Jakarta Mrs. Dr. Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem . Activities taken over and guided or moderated by Head of Community Service and KKN M.Ikhsan Amar S.Gz., M.Kes

*Ikhsan Amar

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