Second Day of UPNVJ Student Management Skills Training

HumasUPNVJ - Tuesday, March 3 2021 is the second day which is also the closing day of the Student Management Skills Training (PKMM) activities which are held online with the zoom application and live streaming.

The activity which was attended by 300 students joined the Student Activity Unit (UKM) and other student organizations which are expected to provide good knowledge and management within the organization to UPNVJ students.

As the opening speaker, Rio Wirawan, S.Kom, MMSI Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science explained about a system called SIWA UPNVJ, in his discussion Rio explained about presence and provision of accounts for ormawa work programs (organizations of student activities). In this case, it is hoped that the activities of the student work program can be more scheduled.


Faisal Amirudin as a representative from the UPNVJ finance section also conveyed about the preparation of the Terms of Reference (KAK) and Details of the Budget (RAB). With repeated discussions regarding finance, it is hoped that the preparation of a working budget will be fulfilled and the budget will be properly absorbed.

At the end of the meeting, Dr. Drs. Suyatno, MM as the Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau conveyed a number of matters related to student affairs and organizations. He explained that student activities aimed at self-development. In addition, Suyatno also explained the guidelines for implementing student activities, procedures for proposing programs/activities, and also procedures for proposing programs which can be useful as student references.

The event was closed with a question and answer session and filling out questionnaires from the participants and resource persons. Then with this activity, it is hoped that students will be able to undergo an organization with good and professional management.


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Providing Organizational Provisions, UPNVJ Holds Student Management Skills Training

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