Providing Organizational Provisions, UPNVJ Holds Student Management Skills Training

HumasUPNVJ - Aims to provide organizational managerial knowledge and skills for students, especially those who are active in organizations and equip students with insight and skills to coordinate and foster work teams in an institution.

UPN Veteran Jakarta held Student Management Skills Training (PKMM) which was conducted online with the zoom application and live streaming on Monday (01/03/21).

as many as 300 students took part in debriefing activities with 5 (five) resource persons including Dr. Acim Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS (UPNVJ FIKES Lecturer), Colonel Cba Dr. Yusuf Ali, SE, MM, CIQaR (Deputy Director of the UNHAN Doctoral Program), Elia Erna Nurdiani, SE, MM, (APBN Financial Management Analyst Associate Expert), Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE, MM., CFMP (Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance) and Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, Sp, KJ, MH (Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation).


In this case the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta Erna Hernawati advised that with the implementation of this PKMM activity the administrators would have provisions regarding professional organizational management in accordance with the program planned by the students.

"The existence of Student Organizations (Ormawa) in addition to achieving the most important vision and mission of the organization is also used as a learning tool, a practical means to equip themselves to become people who are able to organize," said the chancellor.

“Students are agents of change who can provide solutions to problems faced by a society. For this reason, UPNVJ ormawa in particular must show that this organization is managed professionally, different from other organizations. Ormawa must be a miniature large organization with management based on good governance , with the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness and carries the value of Defending the Country while also upholding noble character in its management," he added.

As the opening speaker, Dr. Acim Heri Iswanto, who is usually called Acim, explained about how to think differently, which makes things different from other organizations. This must be done, because every human being is born with their own uniqueness.

"In this 4.0 era there are a number of things that must be possessed and must be remembered, namely having enthusiasm, remembering that reality is different, conditions like this must be anticipated, having thoughts that are out of the box, having thoughts that may be "crazy" but which trigger things that positive and has something amazing” said Acim.

Acim also advised "we are now, with us in the next 10 years it will be different, with a number of things, namely with what books you are studying at this time and someone we emulate" he concluded.


Colonel Cba Dr. Yusuf Ali, SE, M as an external resource person in this activity also explained about "Organizational culture and management in the Era of Society 5.0" according to him organizational culture is very important to learn to help humans in their efforts to interact and communicate with others, when values and beliefs in culture different then some people will have adjustment problems. The cause of business failure in the organization is called "culture shock".

Elia Erna Nurdiani as a financial manager gives directions to students regarding guidelines for making financial reports. This is considered very important because it is an initial knowledge and description of how student organizations can find out the financing of activities and what documents are needed to complete financial reports.

Apart from that, there was Prasetyo Hadi, vice chancellor for general and financial affairs who discussed the meaning of leadership and dr. Ria Maria Theresa vice chancellor for student affairs and cooperation who provides directions for the development of student development with the aim of improving the quality of UPNVJ student activities.


Resource Person Interaction with Students




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