HumasUPNVJ - Teaching Campus is part of the Merdeka Campus program which aims to provide opportunities for students to learn and develop themselves through activities outside the classroom. In the teaching campus program, students will be placed in elementary schools throughout Indonesia and assist the teaching and learning process at these schools.
The Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim said that this program was the government's biggest program, "This teaching campus is the government's biggest program to be able to ensure that top students can contribute to improving the quality of learning for the next generation," said Mas. Minister
In the context of carrying out the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) activities for the Teaching Campus Program, UPN Veteran Jakarta independently assigned 120 students who would start teaching in the period from October to December, but with a note: In carrying out the tasks of the UPNVJ Teaching program under coordination respective supervisors.
Before releasing his 120 students to teach, the Chancellor of UPNVJ gave directions at an online meeting which was held via a zoom meeting which was attended by 180 participants, including students, representatives from the 10 targeted schools, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Head of LP3M , Head of MBKM, and Depok Education Office. (14/10)
In his remarks the Chancellor conveyed a number of things, "Even though this teaching campus activity is quite short, hopefully this program can still be run well by UPNVJ students. Hopefully the 10 schools that are our goal can also help," he said
"This is a golden opportunity which of course must be taken advantage of, because this is a means for students to provide extraordinary benefits to their younger siblings in elementary schools," continued Erna
dr. Ria Maria as the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation expressed her gratitude to the Depok City Education Office and advised the participants to do a good job, "We thank the Depok City Education Office, I hope the program we are doing can produce good output . For students who take part in this program, you must remember that you carry the good name of your alma mater, I hope this mandate can be carried out properly, said dr. Ria
The Depok City Education Office, Syaril Simamora Kasi, appealed to all participants to continue to pay attention to and implement health protocols considering that currently they are still in the Covid-19 pandemic.
The activity continued with directions and directions from the Head of LP3M, Satria Yudhia and Head of MBKM UPNVJ, Lidya Surbakti.