Healthy Exercise Together Before Fasting, UPNVJ Chancellor: This Joint Exercise is Also a Gathering Event

HumasUPNVJ - The holy month of Ramadan is coming soon, the Chancellor together with the UPN Veterans Jakarta academic community held a joint healthy exercise to welcome the fasting month which was held in the ceremonial field right in front of the Wahidin Building Faculty of Medicine, which was attended by approximately 100 participants consisting of UPNVJ lecturers and education staff with adhere to the Covid-19 health protocol. (Friday 01/04/2022)


There was something different in organizing joint healthy gymnastics this time. The Chancellor and faculty officials gave a special door prize to the lucky gymnastic participants.


In addition, after the exercise took place, the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Erna Hernawati was also present and gave her remarks to all the participants who attended, "This healthy exercise is indeed a routine activity every Friday for the UPNVJ academic community, but what distinguishes this activity, because this Friday is at the same time is our hospitality activity to welcome the holy month of Ramadhan which, inshaAllah, will be held on Saturday (02 April 2022). May Allah SWT, God Almighty give us all a long life and health so that we can carry out fasting worship smoothly, "said Erna

"Sorry to be born and inner, we all as good Muslims are obliged to open the door of the profuse apology to all of our family and colleagues because maybe so far there have been words or actions that are not pleasing to the heart. Hopefully in the month of Ramadan, we will continue to be enthusiastic in working and advancing our beloved campus, "he concluded

The joint healthy exercise was closed with door prizes and hospitality.


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