SNMPTN 2022, UPNVJ Accepts 684 Prospective New Students along with the complete data


HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) has accepted 684 prospective new students for the 2022 SNMPTN route from various areas of school origin.

Based on the results of the SNMPTN UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) graduation report submitted by Fajar Nugroho as UPNVJ's New Student Admissions Executive Coordinator, it was recorded that UPNVJ accepted students from schools with A accreditation of 98.83% and 1.71% B accreditation with school status State which amounted to 92.54% and private schools 7.46%.

Different from the previous year, in this year's SNMPTN selection UPNVJ also accepted students from the Frontier, Remote and Disadvantaged (3T) areas, namely the Alor Regency, Sula Islands Regency, North Musi Rawas Regency, Nias Regency, West Nias Regency, South Nias Regency , North Nias District, West Coast District, South Timor District.

UPNVJ also accepts prospective new students who have Indonesia Smart College Cards (KIP-K), totaling 144 of the 684 students accepted.

In addition, the results of the data from the distribution of regions show that there are 5 major provinces of origin for schools accepted at UPNVJ, which include DKI Jakarta, West Java, Banten, North Sumatra and Lampung.

If categorized by gender, the total number of prospective new students accepted was mostly female with a total of 70.91% while the number accepted was male, amounting to 29.09%.

This data is the final result of data collection for prospective new students for the 2022 SNMPTN route at UPNVJ. If it has been declared accepted, prospective new students are directed to fill in data to find out the amount of the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) charged during lectures on the page, complete information is on the https://penmaru page .

For further information about new student admissions, you can contact the information section of the 2022 UPN Veteran Jakarta New Student Admissions Committee via: WhatsApp (WA Chat Only) 0895-3434-34944 or 0858-8302-2351, Email:

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