FGD as a Pre-Research and Community Service Activity in Indramayu Regency

PPM UPN Veterans Jakarta, (15/7/2022), LPPM initiated an internal grant program for UPN Veterans Jakarta, namely research on the Village Development Research (Risda) and Indramayu Village Development Acceleration (PPDI MBKM) schemes. Both of these Indramayu programs are planned to take to the field in July 2022. In preparing for Indramayu research and community service, LPPM held a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) which was held on 15 July 2022 in Nusantara 1A Room.

The FGD was opened with remarks from the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati and also the Head of LPPM, Dr. Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem. This event is also often attended by participants of research and community service Indramayu. Through the FGD event, the Head of LPPM said that the topics of research and community service carried out by the lecturer would be adjusted to the needs of each village in Indramayu.


Specifically, there are three categories of villages in Indramayu, namely underdeveloped, developing, and independent villages. The villages that will be developed by the LPPM program are the building villages. "We have a contribution to the index of increasing the village into an independent village," said Dr. Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem.

Then, the 2022 Indramayu program also focuses on creating a useful database for Indramayu's research and community service programs in the following year. The system for implementing research and community service in Indramayu is that each lecturer will be divided by village in Indramayu. Through these groups, each lecturer can work together to implement programs to develop the Indramayu community.

Furthermore, the Rector of UPN Veterans Jakarta also said that the Indramayu program could be a starting point for the development of contributions to research and community service. "I really hope that we have thought about the steps for the Indramayu program in the future. So that for the future, the next 5 years and so on, LPPM and the lecturers can find out the steps of research and its service," said Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati.

Not only that, the Chancellor of UPNVJ also hopes that this research and community service program has a big goal to improve welfare. This is in line with the Regional Government which also has the aim of increasing the community welfare index.

In addition, every lecturer who participates in Indramayu research and community service can also create programs that refer to the sustainable development goals (SDGs). “If the welfare index is too broad, we can narrow it down from the existing 17 SDGs. Of the 17, we can choose only one that is useful and has substance to develop the Indramayu community," said Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati.

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