Preventing the Spread of Radical Understanding, Intolerance and Terrorism in the Campus Environment, UPNVJ Chancellor Collaborates with BNPT

HumasUPNVJ - In an effort to prevent the spread of radicalism and intolerance, as well as to prevent the spread of radicalism, intolerance and terrorism in the field of education, UPN Veterans Jakarta signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation agreement with the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), this activity took place independently The face-to-face meeting took place at the Sultan Hotel Jakarta which was attended by BANPT leaders, LVRI leaders and UPNVJ leaders with a total of 40 participants attending while still adhering to the Covid-19 health protocol. (8/8)

Police Commissioner General Dr. Boy Rafli Amar, Head of BNPT in his remarks explained that this PKS activity was held in order to prevent the spread of radical views, intolerance and terrorism in the education sector in accordance with the memorandum of understanding that had been made jointly between the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, "Following up on the Memorandum of Understanding that was made between the Ministry Education and Culture with the Ministry of Religion and the National Counterterrorism Agency Number 73/VII/NK/2018, Number 7 of 2018 and Number HK.02.00/11/2018 concerning preventing the spread of radical views, intolerance and terrorism in the field of Education, "he explained


Prof. Dr. Erna, the Chancellor of UPNVJ in his speech hoped that there would be outputs that would be beneficial for the campus, "In accordance with the theme of this collaboration, namely: Synergy in Preventing the Spread of Radical Understanding and Intolerance in the UPNVJ Environment, I hope that in the future we will carry out many collaborative outputs such as; there is training for lecturers and education staff within the campus environment and there is outreach to lecturers and students as well as students within the campus environment regarding the prevention of understanding Radicals, Intolerance and Terrorism," hoped the Chancellor

"We from the campus will continue to oversee the activities of UPNVJ students on campus, so that all activities and activities of our students are far from radicalism, intolerance and terrorism. We must continue to unite to fight these notions, continued Prof. Erna

Maj. Gen. (Purn) Saiful Sulun as the Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Veterans Legion (LVRI) also explained in his remarks that the Indonesian nation currently has many threats to spread radicalism, intolerance and terrorism, "Our country, our nation currently has many threats. spreading radical views, intolerance and terrorism, therefore it is not only the BNPT that must move, but we - we, like LVRI and especially in the field of education, UPNVJ are one of the best supporters who can help us in preventing the spread of radical views, intolerance and terrorism in our nation and country," said Maj. Gen. (Purn) Saiful Sulun.

The remarks from the leaders were followed by the process of signing a memorandum of understanding and cooperation agreement between BNPT and UPNVJ and BNPT and LVRI.

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