Closing the Chancellor's Term of Office, University Leaders become Flag Ceremony Officers


HumasUPNVJ - Implementation of the flag ceremony on the 17th is routinely carried out by UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) academics in the UPNVJ Pondok Labu Campus Ceremony field.

Different from the usual routine ceremony, the officials of the ceremony which was held on Monday (17/10/22) were university leaders. This was done as a form of offering because this month was the end of Prof. Erna Hernawati as Chancellor of UPNVJ.

“This October 2022 Flag Ceremony is the last flag ceremony where I will carry out my duties as Chancellor as well as ceremonial supervisor. My tenure as Chancellor for the 2018-2022 period, God willing, will end on October 22, 2022," said Prof. Erna Hernawati in her speech.

The ceremony was led directly by Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, MM as Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance.


Serving as the coach is UPNVJ Chancellor Prof. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA, served as Reader of the 1945 Constitution Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and served as Ceremonial Officer Ardhien Nissa W. Siswojo, SH, LL.M Head of General Affairs and Finance Bureau.

Besides that, the person in charge of the Pancasila Text Bearer Dra. Intan Hesti Indriana, MM, Head of the AKPK Bureau and who served as Conductor Lidya Primta Surbakti Head of the UPNVJ Internal Supervisory Unit.

In his remarks Prof. Erna also expressed her gratitude for the trust she had given to lead UPNVJ for the 2018-2022 period.

“Four years of service as Chancellor is the closing of a long journey for my assignment. And again, I carried out my main task as a permanent lecturer at FEB. And I apologize profusely if in carrying out my duties as Rector of UPNVJ there are many things that are not pleasing both in actions and words, "said Prof. Erna

He also hopes that the next elected Chancellor will carry out the mandate and UPNVJ can develop more rapidly and realize the vision and mission.

"I advised that to face the obstacles ahead, it takes cohesiveness, togetherness and similarity in vision from all levels, and the most important thing is trust in the leadership, the leadership must be loyal. Compactness is not only on the surface but with a sincere heart, sincerity is shown by similarities in attitudes, actions and words, "concluded Prof. Erna.


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