Received Socialization Visit for the First Time After the Pandemic, SMAIT Buahati Students Enthusiastically Visited UPNVJ

HumasUPNVJ - After nearly two more years of the pandemic being a hindrance for all face-to-face activities, finally on Thursday, November 3 2022, UPN Veteran Jakarta Public Relations received a visit from the High School (SMA) for the first time, at the Bhinneka Tunggal Hall Building Ika UPNVJ, Lt. 4. The visiting high school was SMAIT Buahati Islamic School Cipayung who brought eighty students and female students, Deputy Principal of SMAIT Buahati Islamic School Cipayung for Curriculum Affairs along with seven accompanying teachers. Also present Plt. Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Head of UPT Humas and eight UPNVJ Public Relations staff during this visit.


At the beginning of the activity, Dr. R. Dudy Heryadi gave the opening remarks, in his remarks he thanked all the twelfth grade students and accompanying teachers from SMAIT Buahati Islamic School Cipayung for their time and visits. In addition, Dudy Heryadi briefly explained the history of UPNVJ from a foundation and later became a state campus.


Kharisma, Deputy Principal for Curriculum at SMAIT Buahati Islamic School, also in his remarks gave appreciation to the entire UPNVJ Public Relations team for the extraordinary reception, "We are very grateful to UPNVJ because our school, especially our students, have been accepted and even welcomed. very well and lively on this campus. Our purpose in visiting UPNVJ is none other than to find out in more detail about the pattern of new student admissions for 2022/2023," he said.


The Head of UPT Humas, Windhi Tia Saputra together with Disa Prihantini, delivered a presentation regarding the information needed by SMAIT Buahati Islamic School students. In his presentation, UPNVJ Public Relations conveyed important matters related to UPNVJ's new student admission pattern, available faculties and study programs, infrastructure, Student Activity Units, Scholarships and Single Tuition Fees (UKT).


At the end of her presentation, Disa Prihantini representing the UPNVJ Public Relations team, conveyed a message to all SMAIT Buahati Islamic School students to continue learning and praying for the best, "Wherever you study in college, what you need to improve is your ability and attitude , because these two things it greatly affects the prospects of working friends in the future. Besides that, don't forget to keep trying by learning and asking for the best from Allah SWT, "concluded Disa


At the end of the discussion, the UPNVJ Public Relations team opened a question and answer session which made the SMAIT Buahati Islamic School students very enthusiastic.



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