UPNVJ Chancellor Inaugurates New Fisip Room

HumasUPNVJ - As a concrete form of improving facilities, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UPN Veterans Jakarta inaugurated a new room for lecturers. This room is located in Gedung Moh. Yamin 2nd floor. In this inauguration, UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Anter Venus who made the inauguration directly accompanied by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Dudy Heryadi. (14/11)


Anter Venus, explained that the construction of this new special room for lecturers had quite clear reasons, namely to improve the quality of special infrastructure for lecturers within the Faculty of Social Sciences, "We want to carry out a transformation of various things including the transformation of the facilities provided by the lecturers. This is one of our efforts to improve the learning process. If the lecturers are productive, creative and happy then the learning process will also be effective. One of the elements that support all of this is the provision of a qualified room. In the future, we will not only focus on lecturer rooms, but will also create many new rooms based on fun learning for students," he explained.

Windhi Tia Saputra, one of the Faculty of Social Sciences communication lecturers, considers that the addition of a lecturer room at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences is something new for lecturers, of course it is a positive thing, "This new lecturer room is very nice and spacious, making the people in it feel comfortable to find ideas/ inspiration. And it doesn't have many barriers anymore, so fellow lecturers from all study programs can mingle as one," he responded.

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