Strengthening Tolerance, UPNVJ Celebrates Christmas Together for Christians

HumasUPNVJ - In commemoration of Christmas Day for Employees in the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta environment, the Chancellor and university leadership held a Christmas celebration which was held face to face at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium UPNVJ - Pondok Labu Campus which was attended by 57 participants including education staff and lecturers in the UPNVJ environment. The Christmas celebration in the UPNVJ environment this afternoon was lively, which was also attended by the Chancellor and the UPNVJ leadership. (12/1)


Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ said that the Christmas celebration which was held specifically for Christian employees was expected to increase friendship and strengthen the spirit of unity and oneness among religious communities with a spirit of service.

This UPNVJ Christmas celebration carries the theme of the 2022 Christmas service, namely "You are my friend, if you do what I command you (John 15:14) with the sub-theme "Through the Christmas Spirit, we will increase work professionalism and become friends to others in UPNVJ environment. UPNVJ presented Pastor I Nyoman Yosua Astawajaya, S.Th from Sidang Christ Bogor Church as a guest speaker.


"The purpose and objective of the Christmas celebration which is held with great joy is of course expected to motivate employees to work professionally in the truth to provide the best service to fellow employees and lecturers within the campus environment and also to increase faith. I hope that in the future it will not only be Christmas, but also religious activities from other religions so that we can strengthen our sense of religious tolerance as academics," said Venus in her remarks.


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