UPNVJ Students Share Stories of their Journey to Achieve Achievements at the 2022 Kaleidoscope Event

HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta proves one of its commitments as a campus which always shapes its students to achieve achievements. In an effort to appreciate outstanding students in the UPNVJ environment for the past year, the Kaleidoscope 2022 activity was held on January 11, 2022.

As stated by the Chancellor, Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm that student activities are an important dimension in campus life. According to Venus, students come to campus not only to study in class but also to experience the university culture.


In 2022 it was recorded that UPNVJ students had won achievements based on competitions at the national level as many as 321 and as many as 33 internationally. This is of course an extraordinary achievement for UPNVJ. Most of the achievements announced came from the Faculty of Public Health. This makes FIKES the overall champion and is entitled to a rotating trophy. FIKES is known to be the defending champion because the overall champion title has been obtained since last year.

Seven students with the most achievements from each faculty were also invited to the Kaleidoscope 2022 activity. The seven students who attended had the opportunity to share stories about themselves so that they could become outstanding students.


First of all, the audience was presented with a story that came from Royal Eden, a 2020 Bachelor of Medicine student. Royal admitted that the long journey he had gone through was full of ups and downs, "The impression looks good being a mapres, but actually there is a lot of going through the process." he said. In total, over the past year, Royal has scored approximately 26 achievements. Royal also admitted that he was very proud to be able to participate in the 2022 Pilmapres event, especially since this was the first time for UPNVJ.


The next story comes from Mouva Putri, a 2019 Bachelor of Law student who has won 6 international achievements and 3 national achievements. In her story, Mouva admits that she is active in competing in the Model United Nation (MUN) and I have also received several awards when participating in the competition, including Best Position Paper , Most Outstanding Delegate , Most Outstanding Chair to becoming the Best Delegate . "Here I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the ranks of the UPN Veterans Jakarta bureaucracy for providing support to me in participating in this competition both morally and materially." Mouva said proving UPNVJ's support for its students.

Apart from that, there was also Kanaya Aisha Qur'ani Koraag, a 2021 International Relations undergraduate student who had the opportunity to give a word or two to the audience present. Not much was said, but Kanaya firmly expressed her gratitude for the support of the campus and was committed to continuing to excel, "In the future I will continue to try to bring UPN's good name and work hard to achieve other achievements in the future." he said.


Turning to another student, Meisya Tri Utami from the Bachelor of Nursing 2020 study program. Meisya said that in 2022 she has the opportunity to get around 10 awards from various national competitions in the form of essays, educational videos, and infographics with the theme of health and the topic of financial literacy. His family economic background motivated him to excel, “My motivation behind my being active in these activities is to say to increase my pocket money, because just like Eden I am also a KIP recipient because I come from a family background with a limited economy. So one of the ways I can add knowledge or knowledge as well as pocket money is by participating in various competitions.” His account to the audience.


It is different with Achmad Za'im Mudzaki, a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering 2022 student who admits that if he is motivated because he gets the trust of the people around him, "I am trusted by people around me to always be in the process, such as family, mentors, friends, etc. and I believe that by achieving this achievement, I can increase the value of my life.” he said proudly. Za'im is also known to make maximum use of the campus as a space for acceleration and self-actualization. Za'im is listed as a student with 13 achievements in the fields of startups , business plans , essays , and also Indonesian language debates who have started the process since officially becoming new students in July 2022.


Then the story is continued by Tariqhat Rama Putra, a 2019 Informatics undergraduate student who is known to have excelled in the world of Pencak Silat. His love for this sport started when he was in middle school. Then when he entered UPNVJ which is known as the State Defense Campus, Rama was determined to practice the values of defending the country through his seriousness in the typical Indonesian martial arts sport, namely Pencak Silat so that he could make the name of the campus famous by participating in Pencak Silat competitions. In between stories, Rama admits that it was not easy for him to achieve, “There are indeed many ups and downs that I have to go through and from failing then getting up again, failing again, getting up again. But I faced it all bravely so I can stand at this point.” he said. Remarkably, at first Rama achieved on his own but over time Rama invited his friends to build UPNVJ together through achievement.


The last story was shared by Alifia Farah Shaffira, S1 Accounting student. Alifia admitted that she was motivated because she was impressed when she saw her seniors achieve achievements. He never even imagined if he was actually able to do the same thing, "So actually nothing is impossible if we just want to try and try as much as possible." the account. Alifia recorded 9 dominant achievements in the field of art and design.

Based on the stories of the seven outstanding students above, it can be concluded that the motivation of each individual varies depending on their condition, but in fact it is not an easy thing to get the title of outstanding student. Ups and downs will certainly be experienced, it's just that how students deal with it will determine whether they will be successful or remain in failure.

In addition, the seven students are clear evidence of UPNVJ's commitment in developing human resources to become superior human beings. UPNVJ always provides support in the form of moral and material to its students so that they continue to compete both nationally and internationally because students are an important element in campus life. Excellent and outstanding students will automatically raise the name of the university itself.

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