Discussing State Defense, UPNVJ Chancellor Dialogue with Maj. Gen. TNI Dr. Jubei Levianto Expert Staff to the Minister of Defense for Social Affairs

HumasUPNVJ - The easy access to the internet at this time in all classes of society, makes it easy for attacks of terrorism and radicalism to be included in the information we receive and without realizing it can threaten national defense.

This is the background for Maj. Gen. TNI Dr. Jubei Levianto, Expert Staff for the Minister of Defense for Social Affairs, visited the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) with the hope that UPNVJ could participate in preventing terrorism and radicalism from entering society, especially social media.

"This meeting aims to add to the strategy and understanding of the value of State Defense in the community, especially among students, to counter things that smell of terrorism and radicalism, especially in cyberspace or social media," said Dr. Drs Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ in his interview with the Public Relations team.

On another occasion, Major General Jubei also hopes that with this meeting UPNVJ can become an intermediary between the Ministry of Defense and the public to provide a better understanding of how to maintain and protect the country's defense from terrorism and radicalism.

"I believe and believe that the Chancellor and staff at UPNVJ can become our intermediary bridge in providing a definite understanding of State Defense and safeguarding state sovereignty from things that can damage the country's defense, with State Defense insights that are ingrained in students. I think that makes it easier we are in providing this understanding, "explained Major General TNI Dr. Jubei Levianto, who previously served as Director of State Defense at the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia.

On this special occasion, the Chancellor of UPNVJ also gave souvenirs in the form of books related to Defending the Country which were specially made by the Chancellor and the UPNVJ team of lecturers.


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