Family Support for 2023 UTBK SNBT Participants Always Appears From the First Day to the Last Day of Examination

HumasUPNVJ – Today, Sunday, May 28 2023 the UTBK SNBT exam has entered its last day. Since the first day of the exam, which took place on May 8, until the last day, many contestants have received support from their families, especially their parents, other relatives, and even their peers.

Many of them escorted the participants to the front of the gate, delivered food, brought the files left behind, and even waited for the participants to finish the exam. Such support certainly means a lot to the participants.

UPNVJ Public Relations had the opportunity to interview two relatives of two SNBT UTBK participants. First, there is Gustiana Pratiwi, a sister of a participant named Sari. Gustiana admits that as an older sister, she feels obligated to ensure the completeness of the required files.


"Yes, the preparation is not much because I am only a big brother but I help to prepare the files." The answer when asked by the public relations team.

Not only that, Gustiana is also willing to accompany her younger sibling and wait for her until the exam ends at 10.30 WIB as requested by her parents. "Yes, my parents entrusted it to me to accompany my younger sibling and wait until the exam is over." he added.

The hope of the older brother is certain that his younger sibling can pass the exam in order to reach the dream campus, one of which is UPNVJ.

Besides Gustiana, there was a father named Rizal Ashodiq who was there to accompany his son, Raihan Aqila Ardhan. His role as a parent is to support the child, starting from guiding the child to determine the choice of study program along with the desired university, assisting in the preparation process for SNBT, to taking the child to the exam site and waiting for it to finish like other parents do.


According to Rizal, the implementation of UTBK at UPNVJ was going well and in accordance with applicable regulations. “Very comfortable, not difficult for participants, not complicated. If someone is late, it's his fault." He said to the public relations team.

As a UTBK center, UPNVJ pays maximum attention to the comfort of participants so that parents or other relatives accompanying the participants, one of which is by providing a large parking area outside the campus area to avoid crowds and jostling. According to Rizal, this is one of the conveniences mentioned earlier

The committee in charge of implementing the SNBT at the UPNVJ UTBK Center was also considered to be very strict in dealing with participants who did not fulfill the mandatory provisions of the BPPP SNBP or those who did not comply with the regulations set by UPNVJ itself as one of the test centers.

UPNVJ since the first day of the exam, is committed to providing excellent and firm service to participants without discriminating. The entire committee, especially the committee in charge of checking the files and clothing of the participants, always helps and provides solutions to participants who have problems before the exam takes place, such as incomplete files, clothes that do not comply with applicable regulations, wrong campus, etc.


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