UPNVJ Association Dharma Wanita Holds Talk Show on Women's Empowerment to Overcome Sexual Violence


HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) through the Dharma Wanita Persatuan held a talk show with the theme The Role of the UPNVJ Unity Dharma Wanita in Empowering Women to Overcome Sexual Violence with Prof. Dr. Emy Susanti, Dra., MA from the Center for Gender Studies and Social Inclusion (PSGIS) Universitas Airlangga.

On the occasion, Prof. Dr. Emy explained gender based violence.

“Gender-based violence directed against a person because of that person's sex or violence that disproportionately affects a person of a certain sex. This includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological harassment, threats, coercion, and economic or educational deprivation, whether that occurs in public or private life, offline or online," she explained before Dharma Wanita UPNVJ members at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, Tuesday (6/6/23).

Not only that, he also explained that there are several forms of gender violence, including physical violence, psychological violence – verbal and non verbal, and economic violence.

“Sexual violence is not only direct assault, demeaning, humiliating and harassing. This can happen because there is an imbalance in power relations, gender which results in psychological and physical suffering, including interfering with one's reproductive health," said Prof. Dr. Emmy.

In this case, Prof. Dr. Emy also explained why more women are victims of violence. This happens because of gender inequality and injustice in society.

Not only explaining the types and causes of sexual violence, Prof. Dr. Emy describes the handling of gender based violence. Sexual violence is related to violations of human rights listed in the TPKS Law and Permendikbud No.30 which can strengthen the legal element for victims.

DWP's role in this case is to carry out the “campus friend” action program which also supports the Freedom to Learn Campus program to be free from all forms of violence.

“Initially, the book of Isa built a gender sensitivity and awareness perspective and prepared an action plan say no to KGB and KKS. Second, we can conduct program preparation and implementation training followed by mentoring and advocacy," said Prof. Dr. Emmy.

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