Public RelationsUPNVJ - The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta held a seminar entitled "EXORA: Expressing Arts and Sports" on Friday, September 29 2023.
This seminar is the closing activity of the FISIP CUP 2023 series, a sports and arts competition which is held every year as a forum for developing the interests and talents of FISIP UPNVJ student families. This competition aims to increase sportsmanship and creativity as well as pave the way for achievement for FISIP UPNVJ students.
The seminar opened with remarks from the Chairman of BEM FISIP, the Chief Executive of FISIP CUP 2023 and also the Deputy Dean III Mr. Musa Maliki, Ph. D. The seminar activity included presentations from resource person Mrs. Hj. Himmatul Aliyah, S.Sos, M.Si as Member of Commission X DPR RI.
The seminar series contains experience sharing activities, question and answer sessions, and motivation from resource persons. "Between art and sports, there are quite a lot of sports that have elements of art in them," said Himmatul.
"The art intended in this sport is the freedom to express movement, but has the aim of improving health," he continued.
"If we have sports and artistic skills, then people will see us as someone who is sporty," said Himmatul.
The seminar activity ended with a group photo session, where the speakers wore FISIP CUP T-shirts as a form of appreciation for the implementation of FISIP CUP 2023.
"Build your soul, build your body. This quote from the song Indonesia Raya gives a sign that sport first requires building a strong soul, strong mentality, so that physically you can also become strong and champion," concluded Musa.