Public Relations UPNVJ – The West Jakarta Region Counseling Guidance Teachers' Conference (MGBK) carried out offline Edufest activities with the theme "Build Your Strategy and Step Towards the Future" which took place in the KH Mosque Hall. Hasyim Ashari, West Jakarta. (5/10)
This activity was attended by hundreds of grade 12 students from various schools, one of which was from SMAN 78 Jakarta. Not only students, but also attended by representatives of guidance and counseling teachers from each school from various schools in the Jak-Bar area.
Apart from that, Edufest MGBK presents several exhibitions from several state and private campuses in the Jakarta area and its surroundings. Not only UPNVJ, but also UI, UNJ, Telkom University, BSI and many more.
Disa Prihantini, Anisa Triselia, Afif Rahman and Safira Hairulnisa provided outreach about UPNVJ, including entry routes, existing facilities, single tuition fees, institutional development donations and information regarding scholarships and student activity units available at UPNVJ.
Disa Prihantini explained that information regarding new student admissions will change according to the policies of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia every year.
The activity was lively with many participants asking questions and enthusiastic about wanting to study at UPNVJ. "We would be very happy if we received an invitation to attend an edufest/edufair activity like this. "Because we saw a lot of younger students who were enthusiastic about listening to the material we presented," said Anisa