ULAB Lecturers Share Journalism Knowledge with FISIP UPNVJ Students


Public RelationsUPNVJ - Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta hosted a guest lecture with Syeda Sadia Mehjabin and Mohammad Aminul Islam. Both are senior lecturers at the University of Liberal Arts of Bangladesh (ULAB).

Taking place in the FISIP Diplomacy Laboratory, this public lecture activity raised the theme "The Emerging Politics of Digital Journalism Studies."

The event will take place on Monday, October 2 2023, from 09.30 - 11.30 WIB. This guest lecture discusses a number of important issues in digital journalism, including the political impacts that arise with the development of technology and social media.

Apart from that, this guest lecture also promises valuable insight into the current dynamics in digital journalism and its relationship with politics.

"The world of journalism is experiencing very rapid changes. The academic world is also encouraged to adapt," said Mohammad Aminul when speaking in front of UPNVJ FISIP Communication Science students.

Moreover, this development, continued Mohammad, has become very rapid with the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), which is also disrupting the world of journalism. However, he believes that the role of humans will not be replaced by machines.

In the context of journalism, humans who work as journalists are able to provide context, while AI is not. "Humans know better how to present interesting information to readers," he added.

Meanwhile, Syeda Sadia Mehjabin welcomed the guest lecture this time, especially regarding the enthusiasm of students in the field of journalism studies.

This enthusiasm can be seen from the number of students who asked questions during the guest lecture. "I was also very impressed with the hospitality of the organizers," said Syeda.

Apart from delivering material, the guest lecture activity also included the signing of the Implementation Agreement (IA) between UPNVJ and the Liberal Arts University of Bangladesh, which marked the commitment of the two institutions to further deepen cooperation in the fields of education and research.

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