Basic Outdoor Education and Training KSR PMI Unit UPNVJ


Public Relations of UPNVJ - Basic Outdoor Education and Training as well as the Inauguration of Permanent Members of 7 KSR PMI Unit UPNVJ with the theme " Together We Are Strong, United We Are Great" has been carried out. This activity was carried out on Saturday and Sunday, August 24-25, 2024 by the UKM KSR PMI Unit UPNVJ which is located at Buperta Cimandala, Bogor.

This Outdoor Basic Education and Training is an annual activity of UKM KSR PMI Unit UPNVJ, where this education is intended for young members to prepare to become volunteers who are ready to go into the community so that in the implementation of training related to First Aid, Disaster Management and Public Kitchen. This activity was opened with a Morning Roll Call supervised by Arga Buntara, SKM, MPH as the Mentor of KSR PMI Unit UPNVJ. In this education, Post to Post activities were carried out, First Aid Practice, Sharing Sessions with Mentors and Permanent Members-5, Disaster Simulations and Public Kitchens, Public Kitchen Distribution and Inauguration of Permanent Members 7.

In the implementation of this training education, it was closed with a closing ceremony and the inauguration of 7 permanent members inaugurated directly by Drs. H. Abdul Haris, SE, MAP as the Head of PMI South Jakarta City. Through this education, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of resources and strengthen the spirit of solidarity between members of the KSR PMI Unit UPNVJ

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