UPNVJ Chancellor Observes the Implementation of New Normal in the Campus Environment


HumasUPNVJ - In order to adapt in living the new normal era and return to being productive for educational staff. The Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta Erna Hernawati accompanied by the Deputy Chancellor for Inter-Venus Academic Affairs conducted direct monitoring of several faculties and campus service facilities, on Monday (08/06/20).

In accordance with the rector's circular number 53/UN61.0/SE/2020 regarding new normal for education staff which starts today Monday, June 8 2020. In the circular there is a new regulation whereby only 50% of the employees present per work unit and there are several new arrangements that must be carried out by employees who are present, including the mandatory use of masks, the obligation to wash hands, check body temperature, bring drinking and eating utensils independently, bring your own prayer equipment, keep your distance and bring personal hand sanitizers.

In the review carried out by the Chancellor and vice-chancellor for academics, they also asked all academics who work from the office (WFO) to implement health protocols by wearing masks, cleaning their hands with soap or hand sanitizer, keeping their distance and always paying attention to the cleanliness of the workplace environment.

On the occasion when being interviewed, the Chancellor said that UPNVJ in this transitional period had carried out several Covid 19 protocols, especially for employees who entered the campus building. This is done to reduce the spread of the virus in the campus environment.

“Today is the first day some employees adapt to work in the office. We also implemented the Covid 19 protocol to prevent the spread of the virus in the campus environment. Not only that, employees who do Work From Office (WFO) are only education staff and lecturers with additional assignments with a total of 50% of the number of employees per work unit. This is done in order to reduce the number of people in one room, keeping a distance is mandatory when doing work, "said the chancellor

The Chancellor also asked the security guard (security guard) to really check everyone's temperature at the entrance to the campus, so those who don't wear masks are not allowed to enter.

Not only this, in facing the new normal and changes that are occurring in the industrial world, the chancellor is also preparing and focusing on immediately processing several plans that have been prepared, starting from changes to the lecture system, curriculum to changes to the learning system by lecturers.

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