Arming Students' Capabilities From an Early Age, UPNVJ Holds 2020 New Student PROSPEKTIV


HumasUPNVJ - As an effort to become a state university that has graduates with qualified abilities, are creative, independent and have responsible personalities, UPN Veteran Jakarta is holding a Collaborative Creativity Ethic Learning Stimulation Program for New Students 2020 (PROSPEKTIV 2020) which will be held online at, Saturday (03/10/20).

The implementation on the first day and attended by more than 3,000 new UPN Veteran Jakarta class of 2020 students aims to prepare students to provide provisions from the beginning of lectures to prepare themselves to become students who want to always develop and have qualified abilities to meet the demands of the industrial world in the next 3 to 4 years .

As an opener on the first day of implementation, the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta Erna Hernawati expressed her hope that the directions and training provided would be an incentive for students to become qualified human beings in the competitive industrial world.

"Hopefully we are always given the enthusiasm to achieve what we target together with the aim of developing and educating individuals with the target of producing graduates who are creative, have qualified abilities, are independent and become responsible individuals according to industry demands," said the Chancellor.

“I hope that one day when you graduate, you can become a job creator. So take advantage of these 3 to 4 years to become a student ready for that. With that in mind, this program was carried out because we saw that it was not enough to prepare ourselves for 3 to 4 years, so we made provision for new students of class of 2020. I also hope that matters related to problem solving and ethics are very important things to have because it is an important thing when entering the world of work, “he hoped.

The Chancellor also said "hopefully this event can be an initial trigger for students to have soft skills. Even though it is online, I hope that this activity can be attended with full responsibility, "explained the chancellor.

The first debriefing was carried out by Dr. Acim Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS UPNVJ Faculty of Health Lecturer as a guest speaker on the first day. In his workshop he raised the theme "Growth mindset".

At the beginning he explained the differences between the growth mindset and the fixed mindset that humans have, “Growth mindset owners usually think that intelligence or talent is just a starting point. Meanwhile, a fixed mindset can be defined as a mindset that believes that intelligence or talent will remain and will not change, he explained

This discussion is to encourage the younger generation to be able to organize themselves in the next 3 to 4 years to have a better self-composition so that in the future students can actually achieve what is targeted or even more than that.

The resource person also asked the students to write down their wishes on a piece of paper with their dream goals already written down and can be seen at any time.

"I hope that students will not only have goals, but from now on write down your dreams and make a composition so that your goals don't just speak"

Not only that, Acim Heri Iswanto, a resource person who is also a lecturer and is usually called Acim, also asked the participants to write down a personal description of each student and asked them to write it down. This is done if students want to know that they are in a growth mindset or a fixed mindset.

Acim explained that the fixed mindset has the characteristic that when they are challenged they will avoid it, if they get negative criticism while in the growth mindset he feels this is an opportunity to gain experience, when he gets criticism he will feel it is a motivation to be even better.

"There are only two things to determine how you are 10 years old can be what you want or even exceed that, namely the mind that is trying to develop and what you emulate" he explained


This two-way and interactive discussion gained considerable enthusiasm from the participants with relevant and understandable case examples, the students tried to be active by asking various questions.

One of the questions is about how to change or how to go through the transition process from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

In this case the resource person said that during the transition period the main thing that can be done is a strong intention, followed by changing behavior by changing habits or changing self-culture and lastly taking risks, this can be done when taking an opportunity, in an opportunity there is only two things, namely failure and success, if the initial failure makes a better reference for yourself then a growth mindset has started to grow within yourself. This can be done continuously so that thoughts and behavior will continue to develop.

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