Starting Lectures, Ormawa and UKM Present Proker with Vice Rector 3

HumasUPNV- Presentation of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Student Organization work program represented by the Student Consultative Assembly (MPM) and Student Executive Board (BEM) as well as all Student Activity Units (UKM) within UPNVJ including Uswah, Aiesec. UBV, MC, Aspiration, KSR PMI, Menwa, UFO, Basketball, PSVJ, Tarung Degrees, Jujitsu, Protocol, E-Sport represented by the UKM heads and coaches respectively. (3/2)

This activity lasted for three days, starting from Wednesday to Friday (1 February – 3 February 2023) in the Nusantara meeting room 2 of the Rectorate Building, led by the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation (Warek 3) and attended by, Plt. Head of Planning and Cooperation Academic Student Affairs Bureau, Coordinator of Academic and Student Affairs. This presentation was attended by 28 Ormawa and facilitated by the student affairs sub-coordinator and UPNVJ student staff. In this activity, each ormawa and UKM conveyed the vision and mission, work program and details of the budget for each work program.

dr. Ria, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation said that the presentation of work programs is also important in the sustainability of an organization/UKM, "Proker presentations like this have become a routine obligation that must be carried out by each Ormawa/UKM in the campus environment. Because with this activity, university leaders will know the progress of their students, especially those who are members of Ormawa/UKM. We want to know the work plans or work programs that will be carried out during the next period by each Ormawa/UKM. And not only that, I personally want to find out what obstacles or deficiencies existed in the previous year and how the solutions are in this current year, said dr. Ria

In this activity, each Ormawa/UKM is required to make material that contains work program plans for the next period.

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