Improving the Entrepreneurial World, UPNVJ Sends Five Teams at the 2018 KMI Expo

HumasUPNVJ - The Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education is again holding an Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Expo (KMI) with the theme "Strengthening Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship through Techno-Sociopreneurship in Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0". The event was held on November 9-12 2018 at the Darmaga Campus, Bogor Agricultural University.

In the series of expo activities, there was a competition to win the KMI Award, which consisted of the entrepreneur category and the best stand category. The KMI Award for the entrepreneur category is based on the Real Business Competition concept, so it focuses on assessing performance excellence and professionalism. While the KMI Award for the best stand category is based on an assessment of the products and display of the stand, which includes aspects of firmity, utility and venue.

For the KMI Award UPNVJ has two teams in the food and beverage category. In this KMI Award there are five other categories which include the categories of the food and beverage industry, the service and trade industry, the technology industry, the creative industry, and the production/cultivation industry.

In addition, at the KMI Expo UPNVJ sent five entrepreneurial groups that were displayed which included Mamiku mango (masks and mango peel drinks which are efficacious as beauty masks as well as can be drunk as cholesterol-lowering herbs and worm medicine for children), Cigemi (Cilok Millennial Generation with provides a variety of flavors with interesting flavors), Business Development of Macaroni and Banana Peel Jerky, Melted Fried Chicken, and Sans Air Freshener, Business Innovation of Sansevieria Plant-Based Air Freshener.

KMI_Expo_2018_(3).JPG In the opening ceremony of Expo KMI IX on Saturday (10/11/18) the Belmawa Kemenristekdikti representative said "This activity is not only useful for students creating businesses, but I hope that if you don't win, you won't go home empty-handed here, we can all build relationships , both relations in the business world and good relations between universities," he said.

The KMI IX Expo which was attended by 124 universities throughout Indonesia did not only have benefits for students to be more creative and innovate in their business, but students were also invited to be able to collaborate and exchange creativity with both visitors who came to the booth and students from universities who other.


UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation Dr. Ir. Halim Mahfudh, M.Sc, who also attended the KMI IX Expo, said "The work made by students this year is good and the products can also be related to health because the products needed today can improve the health of consumers. As an appreciation for the work of these students, the University will open outlets or locations for them to sell on campus. As we also know that for the implementation of the KMI Expo, UPNVJ has increased from the last 3 years attending the KMI Expo and this year, thank God, UPNVJ was able to send five teams to the KMI Expo and two teams to take part in the KMI Award, hopefully next year there will be even more UPNVJ creating creative entrepreneurial students” he concluded.


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