Starting from around 1980s, the Christian Student Fellowship experienced many challenges and obstacles during its early years of worship. The challenges and obstacles at that time were about finding a location to do worship service. At that time, the campus did not provide a permanent place for the Christian Student Fellowship to carry out their worship service. Worship activities were also held in various places, including: worshipping together near the campus, at one of the students' home alternately, and at the GPIB church in Ambalun. AGAPE officially became one of the student activity units in 1982. Later in 1989, Christian Alumni Fellowship was established for those who have graduated and the two fellowships still maintain their relationship to this day. Christian Student Fellowship of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta has always longed to do the Friday Service every Friday and prayer meeting every week. Friday Service is held on Friday 11.20 WIB at Auditorium 4th floor. While prayer meeting is held at AGAPE Secretariat at Faculty of Computer Science, 1st floor. AGAPE also holds annual worship during Easter, Revival Service, and Christmas. Besides that, AGAPE has a work program of fostering students in spiritual development and put them into a small group.
1. Salvation (John 3: 16; Rome 10:1)
To have every individuals to acknowledge the eternal salvation in this fellowship.
2. Maturity (Ephasians 4:13-14; Colossians 1:29)
Not only experience and acknowledge eternal salvation but God do long his beloved to grow each day in spritual and character
3. Unity (John 17: 21; Ephasians 4: 3-6)
God longs His beloved children to learn to love and live in unity. Through this student activity units, students from various church denomination are able to savour the unity Body of Christ.
4. World Evangelism (Matius 28:19)
God longs to use us to spread His words to those who have not receive Christ into their life as the Lord and Saviour.
There 4 approaches (4P) in order to attain the vision, Penginjilan (Evangelism), Pemuridan (Dicipleship), Pelipatgandaan (Multiply), and Pengutusan (Commisioning).
1. Commisioning is what Christian Student Fellowship AGAPE do in order to create the next regeneration
2. AGAPE member praying together and ready to be appointed as the new member officialy
3. Handover position from the head of AGAPE 2014 to new one.
4. Friday service and pre-service practice every week
5. Friday Service
7. AGAPE Easter Service on 8 May 2015
8. Through Futsal shows that the congregations are in one accord