Full of Joy UPNVJ Faculty of Law Celebrates 21st Anniversary in the Middle of a Pandemic

HumasUPNVJ - Faculty of Law UPN Veteran Jakarta (FH UPNVJ) was officially established on April 24 in 2000 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 114/DIKTI/KEP/2000.

And this year, UPNVJ Faculty of Law commemorates its 21st anniversary with the theme "Building a Legal System during the Covid-19 Pandemic" , carried out with joy online using the zoom meeting platform and face-to-face for only 20 people consisting of lecturers and Tendik will take place at the Aston Hotel while complying with and implementing health protocols, Saturday 24 April 2021.

The UPNVJ FH Anniversary was attended by the Chancellor, Prof. Bambang Waluyo, SH. MH as Professor of FH, Dean and staff and former Dean of FH UPNVJ, Dr. Erni who is also the founder of FH UPNVJ.



The activity began with a report from the Chairperson of the 21st FH Anniversary Committee, Heru Sugiyono, in his report Heru explained that the UPNVJ FH Anniversary was carried out with several series of events, namely with several academic and also non-academic activities, "To commemorate the UPNVJ FH Anniversary which This 21st year, of course, we from the Law Faculty itself celebrate it by making several activities that also involve our students, both academic and non-academic activities. Academic activities include: National-level Scientific Writing Contest, attended by PTN & PTS throughout Indonesia which is packaged in the 2021 Veteran Legal Competition, held on 8 February - 11 April 2021 (peaking on 9-11 April 2021), National level Legal Debate, attended by PTN & PTS throughout Indonesia which was packaged in the 2021 Veteran Legal Competition held on 8 February - 11 April 2021 (peaking on 9-11 April 2021, Public Discussion, followed by Law Faculty students from PTN and PTS throughout Indonesia (held on April 9 2021), National Seminar and Call For Paper packaged in the form of National Conference on Law Studies ( 3rd NCOLS) held on April 22 2021, International Seminar and Call For Paper packaged in the form of International Conference on Law Studies (3 rd INCOLS) was held on April 23 2021, Law Enforcement Book Writing during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period (carried out from January – February 2021) which was launched on April 24 2021, Law Faculty Lecturers Book Launching at UPNVJ (conducted from January – February 2021 ) which was launched on April 24 2021, the Launching of the National Constitution and Legislation Study Center was held on April 24 2021 and non-academic activities including: Legal Counseling as a form of Community Service by Lecturers and Students which was held on February 1 2021 – March 20 2021, Free Legal Consultations to the public by Advocates, Lecturers and Law Faculty Students of UPNVJ who are members of LKBH FH UPNVJ held on 15 – March 2021, Poster Design Contest (Defending the Country, Pancasila, Environment, Love of Indonesian Products, Corruption) was held on 23 March 2021 – 23 April 2021, UPN Veteran Jakarta Faculty of Law Profile Video Design Competition was held on 23 March 2021 – 23 April 2021, Selection of Exemplary Lecturers, Education Staff & Students was announced on 24 April 2021 and Awards to the Former Dean of the Faculty of Law UPNVJ were given on April 24, 2021”. Haru explained


Furthermore, Abdul Halim as the Dean of the Faculty of Law UPNVJ also gave his remarks, "I thank all UPNVJ Faculty of Law lecturers and students who have coordinated and worked well together to make this activity a success. FH must exist for UPNVJ and FH must exist for the community, we must be everywhere because we must be drivers of development changes that are even better.” he said


The event was then inaugurated with remarks by Erna Hernawati, Chancellor of UPNVJ, "The age of 21 may still be seen as a young age for a faculty, but the struggles of FH from its inception have been very memorable for UPNVJ itself with its extraordinary achievements. I salute the cohesiveness of the Dean of the Faculty of Law and his staff, I hope UPNVJ Faculty of Law can become a faculty that always makes the university proud and can be on par with the best faculties in the world.” Erna said

The 21st Anniversary of FH UPNVJ was also celebrated by cutting the ribbon for the inauguration/ Launching of the Center for Constitutional and Legislative Studies (Puskolega) and the Launching of Law Enforcement Books During the COVID-19 Pandemic.


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