UPNVJ Commemorates National Awakening Day with the Veterans Legion of the Republic of Indonesia


HumasUPNVJ - Coinciding with National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) UPN Veterans Jakarta (UPNVJ) students attended an online webinar on National Awakening Day organized by the Republic of Indonesia Veterans Legion (LVRI), on Tuesday (25/05/21).

The activity which was attended by several universities and institutions presented speakers including Saiful Sulun Maj. Gen. TNI (Purn), Sri Sultan Hamengkubowo X Governor of Yogyakarta, Dr. M Irhas Effendi, MS Chancellor of UPN Veterans Yogyakarta, and Dr. Nono Sukarno MTh Major General TNI MAR (Purn).

The webinar commemorating National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) has the theme "With the Spirit of National Awakening, We Increase the Implementation of Spirit, Spirit and Fighting Values 45". UPNVJ itself watched along with representatives of student organizations and UKM in the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Hall.

The essence of the activity was to encourage students to be more enthusiastic and concerned about nationalism, as the foundation for the founding of the Indonesian state. The activity was also aimed at arousing compassion and concern from some educated young people for how to elevate the Indonesian nation to be honorable and on an equal footing with other nations.

Inspector General of Police (Purn) Drs. Zainal Abidin IShak.SH As the moderator of the event advised young people in Indonesia to be able to awaken the sense and spirit of Nationalism in Indonesia even more.

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