Preventing Covid-19 with Drinks Ginger Milk Lemon and Wedang Serai, UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine Holds a Community Partnership Program in Pangkalan Jati Village, Cinere Depok


HumasUPNVJ - Community service is an activity that aims to help certain communities in several activities without expecting rewards in any form. In general, this program is designed by various universities or institutions in Indonesia to make a real contribution to the Indonesian nation, especially in developing the welfare and progress of the Indonesian nation.

On this basis, the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) through the UPNVJ FK Community Partnership Program team carried out community service activities with the theme "Increasing Knowledge and Skills in Making JaSuLe Ginger Susu Lemon Drinks and Wedang Serai in the Community to Prevent Covid-19 ” which was held in the village of Pangkalan Jati Cinere Depok, on Thursday 13 August 2020.

The team that took part directly in this implementation were doctors who were also lecturers who were members of the UPNVJ FK Community Partnership Program team, which included Dr. Tiwuk Susantiningsih, M. Biomed, Dr. Yuni Setyaningsih, M. Biomed, Dr. Agneta Irmarahayu, MPdKed, and Dr. Fajriati Zulfa, M. Biomed.

Launching from the page by consuming ginger which is believed to be able to increase endurance. This is because, health experts say, one way to avoid being exposed to Covid-19 is to have good immune system.

With the aim of providing knowledge about the benefits and how to make this health drink, it can benefit mothers and the community in Pangkalan Jati Cinere Depok Village in increasing knowledge and skills about making JaSuLe and Wedang lemongrass drinks to prevent Covid-19 disease and maintain family health.

Not only maintaining health, with this activity it is hoped that the number of positive patients with Covid-19 can be reduced and the spread of the virus is reduced by the immunity of the wider community.

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