There are no significant obstacles, UTBK 2021 Batch 1 runs smoothly at UPNVJ


HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta is once again one of the 2021 Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) centers. By choosing UPNVJ as the UTBK center, UPNVJ has certainly prepared many things related to preparing for this year's UTBK. UPNVJ uses 2 (two) campuses, namely the Pondok Labu campus and also the Limo campus, Depok. Each campus has implemented quite strict health protocols and maximum service. In addition to the application of the health program, UPNVJ also provides a special drop zone / parking area for participants / parents of participants. As is known, UTBK batch 1 (one) has been carried out for one week from Monday 12 April to Sunday 18 April, yesterday.


Just like last 2020, the UPNVJ public relations team conducted interviews with the UPNVJ UTNK executive coordinator, Fajar Nugroho. In his interview with public relations, Fajar explained regarding the preparations made by UPNVJ, "The implementation of this year's UTBK is basically the same as last year, we are still in the Covid-19 pandemic. We are still making preparations that were prepared long before the UTBK was carried out. The first and foremost thing to prepare is of course the health protocol, starting from the human resources who take care of temperature checks such as doctors and other health workers. After this is done, then we move on to other technical implementation preparations, such as registration of supervisors, person in charge of the location and also IT technicians, which is done online . Then we give directions to the fields involved so that they can better understand the tasks and work carried out in implementing the UTBK. On the other hand, regarding other implementation techniques, such as equipment and exam documents, of course we have prepared one week before the exam starts, we do this to ensure that all exam documents are complete, as will the second batch which will be held on Monday. April 26 to Tuesday, May 4 2021”. Clearly Dawn


Talking about the obstacles that occurred, just like other fields, UPNVJ did not encounter significant obstacles, Fajar revealed that the obstacles that occurred were not something that we could not solve, "The implementation of the UTBK 2021 generally went smoothly, but there were indeed some obstacles that occurred, especially in this first wave, but we were able to solve even these problems properly, by communicating and cooperating with all the departments involved. On the third day of UTBK implementation, UTBK participants located on the Limo campus, Depok experienced a power outage. But with that incident, we immediately coordinated with the local PLN. In addition, the participants who were on the Limo campus were relocated to the main campus, Pondok Labu-Jakarta. We provide qualified facilities to maintain service to the participants by providing buses and cars for relocation and providing takjil for breaking the fast. Obstacles like this are not something to be expected but thank God all of us as the committee were able to solve these problems well. he continued

"For the second batch of UTBK 2021 participants, we really hope that they can pay more attention to order and discipline regarding attendance so they can be present one hour before the exam starts. Apart from that, we also constantly urge participants to comply with health protocols properly, such as using a medical mask and providing hand sanitizer and always keeping a safe distance when queuing for body temperature checks, and paying attention to the completeness of the exam documents. Close Fajar in the final session of his interview

Hopefully the UTBK – SBMPTN 2021 participants will get maximum results.

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