Ready for ZIWBK 2023, UPNVJ RB Team Visits UNDIP


HumasUPNVJ - The Bureaucratic Reform Team of the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) visited the Rectorate of Diponogoro University. Their arrival is part of an effort to realize the development of an Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Free from Corruption Area (ZI-WBK) at UPNVJ. Thursday (5/1/2023).

"We have a shared commitment to realize ZI development at UPNVJ, as a trigger to improve service quality. All UPNVJ staff are also committed to building integrity zones in order to create campus governance that is clean and free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism," explained UPNVJ RB Team Leader Desak Nyoman Sithi, SKP, MARS, P.hD.

"Please facilitate so that we have the same perception regarding ZI," he continued.

The UPNVJ RB Team delegation was welcomed by the Secretary of the UNDIP RB Team, Prof. Dr. Jamari, ST, MT in his speech said that bureaucratic reform is one of the first steps to structuring a good, effective and efficient government administration system, so that it can serve the community quickly, precisely and professionally. He and the team will also provide all information related to ZIWBK that is needed by UPNVJ.


The meeting was followed by a discussion presented by Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, M.Sc, Ph.D as the Dean of the Undip Faculty of Engineering. A safe and clean educational environment is the main objective of implementing ZI-WBK. The existence of ZI-WBK at universities as educational institutions will have a very important impact on the comfort of all university parties, especially students because universities play an important role in educating the next generation of the nation. A university environment with integrity will help students develop much better with transparency and supportive facilities.

The Dean of UNDIP FT also gave an explanation of the vision and mission; Undip Faculty of Engineering profile, Achievement of International Accreditation; Information System Innovation Achievements; Change Area Before & After; 2020 PAN RB Ministry Recommendations; Implementation Strategy; Innovation Impact, Benchmarking and Recognition as well as Documentation and Testimonials as supporting data.

Referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Permen PAN-RB) Number 10 of 2019 concerning Guidelines for the Development of Integrity Zones Towards Corruption-Free Areas and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas, all government agencies, both those with central and regional status, are required to develop the ZIWBK title. as part of good governance. Government agency units that have successfully carried out the ZIWBK development process are expected to become benchmarks for other units and also as a concrete form of efforts to prevent KKN practices.

It is hoped that this benchmarking activity will further strengthen the RB Team's steps in going through the ZI development process towards WBBM, so that more service users can also experience the benefits.

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