Present at the FTVM UPNVJ Study Program National Seminar, Riri Riza: Students Must Be Critical & Open


HumasUPNVJ - Renowned director Riri Riza was present as one of the speakers at the national seminar of the Film, Television and Media Studies Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UPN "Veteran Jakarta" at the UPNVJ Rectorate Building on Monday, September 2, 2024.

To the seminar participants, Riri said that students need to think critically and openly in all matters, including in film making.

Filmmaking, said Riri, requires attention to the details of all aspects that appear on the screen or mise-en-scene. The details in question include settings, lighting, actors, social culture, nature, ways of communicating, clothing and many others.

"So in production, we must have sensitivity in presenting the best visual quality," explained Riri, in her presentation.

Social Impact

While mentioning one of her films, Gie, Riri said that students have an important role in society. She hopes that students in the FTVM UPNVJ Study Program also have the same attitude, namely being able to produce films not only for viewing on digital platforms, but also paying attention to various aspects and social impacts.

"It should be remembered that films have a big social impact. Films are also able to raise social problems that exist in society," he added.

Therefore, Riri emphasized that students should always be open to the advancement of existing technology, and utilize the technology to produce the best films. Not only technology, the creative aspect also needs to be sharpened in its sensitivity in making films.

He called on FTVM UPNVJ students to frequently record interesting ideas and develop them into quality films.

"I have a habit of writing down new ideas. Writing down means writing, not typing on a gadget. So I bring a book and a pen to write down the idea. I think this has great benefits," he explained.

In addition to Riri, there were also other speakers such as Theresia Romula who is an experienced practitioner in the world of television. Other speakers who attended the seminar were two famous comedians in the country, namely Andre Taulany and Parto Patrio.

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