Creating Young Entrepreneurs, FEB UPNVJ Again Holds Entrepreneurship Products 2019


HumasUPNVJ - Sentra Bina UKM in collaboration with FEB lecturers and Faculty students, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Accounting and D-III Accounting in holding entrepreneurial activities located in the yard of the M.Husni Thamrin Building UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. This activity is an activity that is carried out every year. (02/07/19)


The GEPROK activity this time was attended by 17 student stands. This activity also aims to introduce student businesses that are being pioneered through coaching from the UKM Development Center (SBU) of the Faculty of Economics and Business.

This entrepreneurial activity was opened by remarks from the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE., MM., CFMP. In his remarks he said that UPN Veteran Jakarta, especially at the Faculty of Economics and Business, already had a forum for students who wanted to study entrepreneurship and develop their businesses.

The expectation from the implementation of this year's UKM Development Center (SBU) Entrepreneurship Product Exhibition is that UPNVJ students will be able to improve their skills and abilities in managing and marketing their businesses that are being initiated.


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