Accreditation Visitation of the Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Computer Science


HumasUPNVJ - Faculty of Computer Science Information Systems Study Program held an Accreditation Visitation which was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Buono., M.Sc. M.Kom and Paulus Insap Santosa Ph.D as representatives of BAN-PT which were held in the Meeting Room of the Faculty of Computer Science UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Ki Hajar Dewantara Building, 1st Floor UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. (03/07/19)

This visitation activity was opened by the UPNVJ Chancellor's remarks, in his remarks Dr. Erna Hernawati., Ak., CPMA., CA expressed gratitude for the time and opportunity Prof. Agus and Mr. Paulus had attended at UPNVJ this morning "This visitation was carried out with the aim I want to give the best to all academicians, especially FIK students, and right now we are making a lot of changes for the better.” he said.

Apart from that, in his remarks, the Chancellor also hoped that this visitation would have a good impact on the Faculty of Computer Science UPNVJ "Hopefully this visitation will be an opportunity to provide the best things for the university, especially the faculty of computer science in accordance with FIK's vision and mission and of course hopefully it can to create graduates with the spirit of defending the country.” added the Chancellor of UPNVJ.


The event continued with remarks from BAN-PT represented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Buono, he said "This visitation is one part of the activities of the accreditation process, and it is hoped that today's visitation activities will run smoothly so that the data we obtain can be processed immediately." Said Prof. Agus.

After the remarks, the Dean of FIK Dr. Ermatita M.Kom gave a presentation about FIK's vision and mission and strategic plans for the faculty.


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