Second Day of UTBK, There Are Still Participants Forgot to Reprint Exam Cards


The second day of UTBK, Monday (06/07/20) at UPN Veterans Jakarta went smoothly

It began with a supervisory briefing by Anter Venus, UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs in the Nusantara 1 meeting room in the rectorate building. Supervisors are briefed so that they can understand how the flow and responsibilities that must be carried out. In the middle of the briefing, Anter Venus conveyed the differences in the implementation of UTBK last year and this year. He advised the implementation this time all officers have an obligation to prioritize health.

"The implementation this year is different from before because we are in the new normal era. With this implementation, we have a mission to maintain good health protocols, and I hope that everything can go well according to plan. We all hope that the implementation of UTBK will not have an impact on the widening of the spread of Covid 19, this is our shared responsibility, "explained Anter Venus.

From the monitoring of the PR team on the second day, technically it went according to plan. However, from the participant's point of view, there were still several participants whose schedule was wrong on their test card. This was due to not printing the re-examination card as recommended by the LTMPT and the UTBK center. this is very regrettable by the committee because the appeal has been carried out thoroughly in the media and published regularly.


In this case Catur Nugrahaeni as the Location Person in Charge (PJL) who is in charge of monitoring the progress of the exam in one of the buildings at the UPNVJ UTBK center said that the participants who were present checked the exam card again. This is because even though there are clear directions, there are still wrong places and wrong schedules because the cards are not reprinted.

"For technical and system matters, everything has been running smoothly until today, but for participants there are still some wrong spaces even though the directions are quite clear and there is something wrong with the schedule, this is because they haven't printed the latest cards. This incident is very unfortunate even though if they had paid attention to the information clearly then this would not have happened," said Catur

By prioritizing health protocols in the current new normal conditions, Catur admits that he prefers the current conditions because with the health protocols implemented, everything is sterile and maintains cleanliness.

"With this condition, we are also more protected from bacteria and viruses because it is certain that everything is cleaned and sterile. The participants are also not too crowded because only 50% of the participants are from the room capacity," he added.



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