The Chancellor Performs Boundaries of UPNVJ Campus Land Assets in Tanjungsari, Bogor


HumasUPNVJ - Since 2018 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta has been trying to expand the lecture center. After carrying out a thorough site review, the selected area was finally determined, namely Tanjungsari, Cariu, Bogor.

Today, Wednesday (28/12), the Chancellor of UPNVJ and his staff visited Tanjungsari again in the context of laying and documenting land boundaries. This activity is very important to clarify the status of UPNVJ's land ownership.

UPNVJ Chancellor, Dr. Anter Venus, MA., Comm, in his speech opening today's activities, explained the series of processes for the construction of this new campus, "After seeking land acquisition, today the laying of land boundaries and documentation was carried out. This is an important factor for UPNVJ's land ownership status. We are also in the process of making efforts to complete the paperwork, which is currently underway. After that, the RT/RW will work on the spatial planning of this area," he said.


Venus is also optimistic that all plans will run smoothly and campus construction will be completed quickly if all stakeholders involved provide their best assistance. Venus hopes that today's activities will be the starting point for synergistic collaboration for the construction of the UPNVJ Tanjungsari campus.

The construction of a lecture center is actually very important for advancing education in Indonesia. Therefore, the Bogor Regency Government, especially in the Tanjungsari area, strongly supports the acceleration of the development of the Tanjungsari campus UPNVJ. This was conveyed by Beben Suhendar, SH., MM as a member of the District DPRD. Bogor The Gerindra faction represents the Chairperson of the DPRD.

Through this activity, the Head of Tanjungsari Village, Japar Maulana, S.Farm, Apt felt proud because the existence of Tanjungsari Bogor could be informed to a wide audience, "Today we are showing the archipelago that Tanjungsari in Bogor exists because before many people saw it was not on the map. ", said Japar in his short story, "This area is open for the arrival of academics to help develop villages and districts," continued Japar

The series of events continued with tree planting by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellors and the Deans, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the best type of durian tree and is endemic to Southeast Asia, namely the Monthong durian. This durian has thick flesh and sweet fruit. Hopefully UPNVJ will become the also the best in education in Indonesia." Venus expressed her hopes. Then after that the boundary stakes were erected and the documentation until the tumpeng was cut.

The event was also attended by Deputy Chancellors, Deans, Heads of Institutions, Heads of Bureaus, Expert Staff to the Chancellor (Rector for the 2018-2022 period), Chancellor for the 2014-2018 period, Head of Bappeda, Head of the Housing and Defense Areas Service for the District. Bogor, the Secretary of the Camat, and the Head of Sinasari Village.


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