Trying to Protect Land Assets, UPNVJ Installs 70 Boundary Stakes in Tanjungsari

HumasUPNVJ – The erection and documentation of the boundary stakes for land owned by UPN "Veteran" Jakarta in Tanjungsari was carried out last Wednesday (28/12) by the Chancellor. On this land a lecture center for the Tanjungsari campus, Cariu, Bogor, will be built.

UPNVJ Chancellor, Dr. Anter Venus, MA., Comm explained the series of processes for the construction of this new campus, "After seeking land acquisition, today the laying of the land boundary stakes and documentation was carried out. This is an important factor for the status of UPNVJ land ownership. We are also working on finalizing the paperwork required the process is ongoing. After that, the RT/RW will try to arrange the spatial plan for this area," he said in his opening remarks for the erection activity (28/12).


In an exclusive interview with the UPNVJ Public Relations team (28/12), Venus revealed that the stakes that were erected yesterday were the first and the main stakes, “The first and main stakes that were installed yesterday were at the entrance to the east side. The main stake is two meters high. This is only the initial stake.” Obviously.

Venus added that UPNVJ plans to install another 69 stakes so that if they are added together, there will be 70 poles installed there. The remaining stake boundaries will be erected within the next six months. Each stake will be 30-50 meters apart with a stake height of 1 meter each.”


Venus is also optimistic that all plans will run smoothly and campus construction will be completed quickly if all stakeholders involved provide their best assistance. Venus hopes that today's activities will be the starting point for synergistic collaboration for the construction of the UPNVJ Tanjungsari campus.

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The Chancellor Performs Boundaries of UPNVJ Campus Land Assets in Tanjungsari, Bogor

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