UPNVJ Chancellor Inspects Classroom Utilization

HumasUPNVJ - The Chancellor accompanied by the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance conducted an inspection, visited several rooms, such as the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT), and several classes within the UPNVJ environment to see the condition of the classrooms, the utilization of the classrooms, and the condition of the classrooms. (6/1)

We will apply the concept of class management in an integrated manner. We do this because there are lots of inputs and there are several complaints from each faculty who still feel a shortage of classes.


"Actually, the use of classes is not optimal, so it is necessary to carry out integrated class management with fixed data concentration at the university. This class management is in principle all existing class data in one management. For example, field one will regulate how the existing classes are managed. Of course, the existing class management remains from the university. Later we will collect data as a whole which classes are used and which classes are not used, and in fact it is not just classes but UPT rooms that we can maximize by adding tutorial rooms and according to existing functions," said Venus when met by the team UPNVJ Public Relations during the inspection.

"We found many empty rooms which we will use later to become qualified rooms. Priority will be given to faculties that do need additional rooms, but other faculties, institutions/work units can still use these facilities. For example, UPT Language, we will design it in such a way that it becomes a sophisticated room with an international standard so that it can be a room that is also used to support learning, practice rooms, examination rooms so that it can be optimized so that it supports UPNVJ as a Public Service Agency (BLU) campus. All classes will also be optimized as fun and comfortable classes for students, lecturers and staff," added Venus

This inspection is carried out routinely so that you can choose and sort out which classes can be optimized and which cannot.

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