UPNVJ Delegation Promotes State Defense and Islamic Sharia in MTQMN 2023

Public Relations UPNVJ - The Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) delegation arrived in Malang City, East Java on Friday, November 3 2023, to take part in the 2023 National Student MTQ (MTQMN) event.

The 7th MTQMN will take place on 4-9 November 2023, with Brawijaya University as the host.

Carrying the mission of "Defending the Nation" and accompanied by the spirit of Islam as a religion of "rahmatan lil 'alamin" (love for the universe), UPNVJ sent a delegation consisting of 22 students participating in the competition and 8 official accompanying lecturers.

This year, UPNVJ sent delegates for almost all competition branches, namely Tilawah, Tartil, Memorizing 10-20 Juz, Syarhil, Fahmil, Calligraphy, Scientific Writing, to Scientific Debate on the Al-Quran in English.


On the first day of arrival in Malang City, the UPNVJ delegation registered the competition participants on time in the Main Hall of Brawijaya University.

Thanks to the accuracy and discipline of the UPNVJ Official Assistance Team, all registration documents were completed properly and completely. This all expedites and makes it easier for the best UPNVJ students to compete on the first day.

The next day, together with a caravan of delegations from various universities from all over the country, the UPNVJ delegation also attended the opening ceremony of the 7th MTQMN. On the same day, each team from each branch of the competition entered the Technical Meeting, a very important stage to fully understand the rules and regulations of this biennial event.

With the sincere intention to achieve the blessing and grace of Allah SWT, and the enthusiasm to introduce the "National Defense Campus" throughout the archipelago, these best UPNVJ students are not afraid to set foot in competing with fellow country's best sons and daughters in reading and memorizing competitions. , and understand the Holy Koran.

Through this 7th MTQMN event, the UPNVJ delegation became an example of how the spirit of "Defending the Nation" can also be realized through achievements in spreading the Islamic religion as the religion of "rahmatan lil 'alamin."

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