Pop Mie Campus Gaming Ground Present at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Proclaiming Esports Spirit with EVOS Esports

HumasUPNVJ – The atmosphere of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) today (11/28) was filled with enthusiasm from students with the presence of Pop Mie Campus Gaming Ground, an exciting activity that combines the world of gaming and entertainment. This event is a place for e-sports fans to meet directly with the EVOS Esports team, one of the famous e-sports teams in Indonesia.

Since morning, the campus atmosphere was filled with the enthusiasm of students who could not wait to follow the series of activities. The Mobile Legends tournament, as one of the main attractions, managed to invite many student teams to compete to show their strategic abilities and team cohesion.

Group photo of UPNVJ leadership with talk show participants and EVOS Esport

In addition to the tournament, the event also features an exclusive, inspiring talk show session with the EVOS Esports team. In this session, EVOS members share their experiences on their journey to becoming professional esports athletes, tips for maintaining performance, and motivation to continue pursuing dreams. Not only that, students also get the opportunity to ask questions directly to the guest stars, creating a warm and inspiring interaction.

The talk show session was officially opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Cooperation, and Information Science UPNVJ, Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ., MH., marking the start of a series of activities involving students and the gaming community.

Speech by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Cooperation, and Information Science UPNVJ, Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ., MH which marked the start of the Talkshow event

In his speech, the Vice Chancellor expressed his support for events like this, which are considered to be a positive medium for students to channel their interests and develop their skills. " Gaming is not just entertainment, but can also be a medium to build creativity, sportsmanship, and collaboration in the digital era," he said.

"The presence of the EVOS Esports team here provides a real picture to students about how passion can be turned into a promising career. Not only playing games, but also building a competitive mentality and teamwork," said one of the talk show participants.

The excitement of this event was also supported by the presence of the Pop Mie booth which was a favorite of the participants. This event was not only entertaining, but also provided an interactive experience for students, while encouraging creativity and innovation in the digital field.


With this collaboration, Pop Mie proves its support for the development of the gaming community in Indonesia, especially among young people. The presence of Pop Mie Campus Gaming Ground on the UPNVJ campus is proof that the gaming world is now increasingly relevant as part of the lifestyle of the younger generation.

Pop Mie Campus Gaming Ground has successfully become a magnet for UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students, proving that gaming is more than just entertainment—it is part of a digital revolution full of potential.

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