UPNVJ Holds Sub-Satker Budget Preparation and Review for 2020 Fiscal Year


HumasUPNVJ - Preparation of the budget is very important in determining the direction of financial spending according to needs. Given the importance of this, the Planning Section of UPN Veteran Jakarta held an Activity "Compilation and Review of the Activity Plan & Budget (RKA) for the UPN Veteran Jakarta Sub-Satker for the 2020 Fiscal Year" at the Ambhara Hotel, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (03/07/19).

The activity was carried out for 3 days which took place on 3 – 5 July 2019 which was attended by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellors and all Sub representatives. Satker in the UPNVJ environment.

Anggaran_2019_(1).JPG In this activity, the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta, Erna Hernawati, said that this activity was a new thing for UPNVJ in the process of preparing a budget whose goal was to create budget results that were orderly and in accordance with the achievement targets of each Sub. work unit

"Different from the previous year, we are currently carrying out preparation and study with the review team with the aim of implementing the 2020 budget to be better, more orderly and activity targets will be controlled in accordance with the needs of achieving UPNVJ's vision and mission," said the Chancellor.

The Chancellor also said that this activity was held to prevent the recurrence of the constraints felt this year. He also conveyed the target for completing the budget preparation for each Sub. The Satker in the UPNVJ environment can be completed in July 2019 "this activity is made to accelerate from the implementation of the budget in 2019 at this time it is felt to have many obstacles and hopefully with this activity the perceived constraints will not occur in 2020. And I am targeting this July to prepare the 2020 budget for the Heads of the Sub-Satkers has been completed, " he stressed

The Chancellor also added " today we are doing it together so that everything runs optimally, everyone must actively supervise, hopefully this study can run smoothly. And I hope that the preparation of the 2020 budget will be adjusted to accurate and real data so that everything will run optimally, "he added.

Anggaran_2019_(2).JPG The 2020 budget preparation activity went smoothly. The participants were quite serious in designing the activity program and budget in each Sub.Satker. Each Satker designs an activity program and budget in accordance with the adjusted ceiling. By holding this budget preparation and review activity, it is hoped that the 2020 budget can be optimally absorbed without reducing efficiency in financial management and having a positive impact on the university.

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