Bank Mega Syariah Recruitment of Diploma III Students in Finance & Banking UPNVJ


The good news this time came from Bank Mega Syariah. This is because Bank Mega Syariah is opening the latest job vacancies for Diploma III students in Finance and Banking UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Thursday, (4/7/2019).

A total of 52 participants took the psychological test in the JSX Hall Room, Faculty of Economics and Business, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Job vacancies this time are open for three positions at once, namely Tunas BMS, RMTP and Retail Funding Officer. Later the selected candidate will occupy one of the three positions provided.

Bank_Mega_Syariah_(2).JPG For Tunas BMS, it is specifically for freshgraduate Diploma III with the aim that students who enter later can continue their education, because at the end of the year until the third year they get scholarships and certificates and do not rule out the possibility of becoming permanent employees later." Said Sony Rationo Human Capital Management Division Head of Bank Mega Syariah.

According to the Head of Diploma III Banking and Finance Study Program Siti Hidayati, SE, MM, a program like this is one of the targets of the UPNVJ Diploma III Study Program, especially in Banking and Finance. “With a program like this, we as the Dean feel it is very helpful. Because there are many positive things that will be obtained for female students, one of which is getting a call to work quickly. he said. Bank_Mega_Syariah_(4).JPG

Siti Hidayati also added, currently the company agency has asked us UPNVJ Banking and finance students to be able to join either for Field Work Practices (PKL) or work. He and his staff will continue to try to establish cooperation and expand as many links as possible, especially with alumni, to be able to place Diploma III graduates in industries where they work according to their expertise and abilities.

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