Increasing the Promotion of UMKM in Lebak Regency, UFO UPNVJ Holds a Workshop


UFO Student Activity Unit of the “veterans” National Development University Jakarta held a workshop 'Introduction and Implementation of Creative Industries Through Digital Media Promotion ', Monday (8/6).

The workshop in collaboration with Bappeda of Lebak Regency was held at the Rangkasbitung meeting hall. The material for this workshop includes how to produce good and interesting photos and videos for promotional activities.

Pengabdian_Masyarakat_UFO_(3).JPG "UPNVJ's community service is conducting training for MSMEs on how to produce good promotional photos and videos. They have a product but are confused about how to promote their work. That's why we are holding this training," said Chief Executive Aji Farhan Utomo.

Apart from providing training to MSMEs, UFO UPNVJ also makes tourism promotion videos from Lebak Banten Regency, namely the culture of the Baduy tribe and Sawarna beach. The two four are considered to have great tourism potential which is not yet known Pengabdian_Masyarakat_UFO_(2).JPG people.

One of the Lebak Regency Bappeda representatives, Rieyan Dermawan, admitted that this workshop really helped the local government, especially Lebak Regency. “This UFO UKM workshop is very positive, moreover Lebak Regency is developing tourism, and many of the residents have MSME production. So that they know how to produce photos and videos for the products they have so that many people know about them.” Said the Head of Sub-Division of Natural Resources Development 1.

A total of 60 participants attended this workshop . In addition, the participants also received a mini studio box for MSMEs to produce photos of the products they produce.


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