Keeping Your Health During a Pandemic, UPNVJ Doing Healthy Gymnastics Together


HumasUPNVJ - In the context of physical development for employees on campus during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Jakarta Veterans National Development University carried out joint healthy gymnastics which took place in the ceremonial field in front of the dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo (FK UPNVJ), Friday, May 28 2021, 07:00 WIB to 08:00 WIB.

Even though this healthy exercise was held in the midst of a pandemic, employees are required to comply with the Covid - 19 health protocol in accordance with government directives, namely by continuing to wear masks, maintain distance and bring personal hand sanitizer and wash hands before and after activities.

Prasetyo Hadi as Deputy Chancellor for Finance said to the UPNVJ Public Relations team that this joint healthy exercise activity was held of course to increase enthusiasm in maintaining health during a pandemic, "During the Covid-19 pandemic like this, it must have drained quite a lot of energy and minds for UPNVJ employees. Therefore, relaxation activities and encouragement are needed to always adopt a healthy lifestyle during a pandemic, one of which is by doing healthy gymnastics together every Friday morning as it is today, but by still implementing strict health protocols when exercising such as continuing to wear masks, keeping distance, and ready to provide personal hand sanitizer and always wash your hands before and after activities. Pras explained to the PR team

After the healthy exercise together, the activity was continued with a push-up competition and relaxed gymnastics. The competition was won by FK staff, Mr. Sutarno and also the Rector's staff, namely Mr. Sempud, apart from that there was also an entertainment competition which was won by Mrs. Catur as a staff from UPT PKK.

The UPNVJ Public Relations Team had the opportunity to conduct a direct interview with one of the winners, Sempud, a representative from the Rectorate, "Besides healthy exercise like this, there are other sports competitions, very interesting and motivating for all of us to keep up the enthusiasm. Especially now that this is a pandemic period where we must continue to be enthusiastic about going through our days.” he said


Apart from Sempud, Sutarno, a staff representative from FK who was the first winner in the push-up competition, said that routine activities like this had many benefits for UPNVJ employees, "I am always happy when there are activities like this, we must always maintain our health, don't let who are sick because health is expensive. I am also grateful that I am still given the opportunity to win the push-up competition that is being held.” Said Sutarno


Not only the push-up competition, but the relaxed gymnastics competition as the closing entertainment was won by Catur Nugrahaini, a representative from the UPT PKK, "This routine activity is indeed held to motivate us to always unite our health, sometimes during the current pandemic, we must feel tired and maybe feel boredom has always been our closest friend, therefore by following this healthy exercise it can certainly be a trigger for all of us to relax ourselves and remember to exercise. Apart from healthy exercise, we are very happy because the Vice Chancellor for Field 2 is also holding entertainment competitions as a cover for healthy exercise which also keeps us entertained and of course fit again.” Say it with passion.


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