UPN Veterans Jakarta Again Holds Training Of Trainers for Lecturers of Pancasila and Citizenship

UPNVJ PR - Institute for Development, Learning and Quality Assurance (LP3M) UPN Veterans Jakarta held a Training Of Trainers (hereinafter abbreviated as TOT) for Lecturers of Pancasila and Citizenship Education on Monday (27/06/22) at the Auditorium Gd. Soepomo UPN Veterans Jakarta. This event is a series of events held for 5 days by presenting speakers on the first day, namely Yudi Latif, M.A., Ph.D. a book writer, observer of Pancasila and Nationality.

TOT, which invited 26 lecturers of Pancasila and Citizenship Education, presented material related to "Indonesian Geopolitics and Geostrategy". In his remarks delivered online, UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Academics Anter Venus, MA. Comm conveyed Pancasila as an ideology that became the common ground. In this regard, Venus wants courses related to Pancasila and state ideology to be strategic courses. “As a state defense campus, our campus was founded with the spirit of defending the country explicitly stated in the statute. As a state defense campus, we ensure that MKWU courses are not only taught, because there are images on various campuses throughout the country. We want to ensure that courses related to Pancasila, state ideology, citizenship, National Insight or defending the state are very strategic courses, that's why we are trying to update both in terms of human resources, curriculum, modules and learning methods, that's part of our commitment," he explained.


Yudi, explained in full the implementation of the current implementation of Pancasila and Gotong Royong Indonesia. The rise and fall of a country is determined by its values, governance and welfare system. Pancasila unites differences by determining common ground by expanding the interaction space and building togetherness through community moral ties (Shared Values). "A plural society can be united if it upholds six moral values, namely the value of caring, the value of equality (Fairness), the value of freedom (Liberty), the value of loyalty (Loyalty), the value of respect for authority (Authority), and the values ​​that are sanctified. (Sanctity)," he explained. In addition, Yudi also emphasizes connectivity and inclusivity which are tied to one common moral, namely Pancasila. Indonesia has more than 700,000 ethnicities which makes Indonesia multi-ethnic which requires individuals to have identities in the midst of many identities.

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